Thursday, February 23, 2012

Where does Joe fit?

This week has been an emotional roller coaster.  As most of our friends know, Joe has had a really difficult time transitioning from his Montessori preschool to a traditional classroom.  It is not the fault of the school.  It is just a fact that Joe cannot learn best by sitting still and completing worksheets.  John and I discovered a beautiful little Catholic Montessori school not too far from us.  We visited.  We filled out all the forms and we waited to see if there would be an opening for him.  Tuesday morning, I received an email from the school principal stating that they did not feel that they could accept Joe based on the teacher recommendation and information from Joe's 45 minute visit there.  I had considered the possibility that Joe might not get in if they were full.  I NEVER imagined that he would be denied admission due to any behavior concerns.  I pretty much lost it.
For anyone who knows Joe, you know how much energy he has.  That is who he is.  Joe is not perfect.  He is not still.  He is not quiet.  But what he IS outshines all those things.  He is creative, imaginative, loving, busy, intelligent and strong.  I love Joe.  I don't want to medicate away any little bit of him.  I want an educator to look at Joe and see the possibilities.  I want Joe to be able to learn in his own way, not just with pencil and paper.  Joe is full-on, learning through touching and manipulating, watching and doing.  This is what he was able to do in his Montessori preschool.  This is what I would like him to do for the rest of his elementary school years.
John convinced the principal from the Catholic Montessori to re-consider.  He is visiting Joe's school today to observe him in the classroom.  I have no idea what the outcome will be.  I have no idea where Joe will go next year.  There has to be a place for Joe...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sammy's 4th grade team won the Ron Speed tournament! They are such a great group of boys. They play well together and are so supportive of one another. Congratulations boys!!
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beautiful Weekend

Where is the time going?? Elise turned 4 today. She told me that she doesn't want to grow up because she doesn't want to be an old lady. I know how she feels! It was a wonderful weekend of basketball games, a neighborhood Christmas party and various activities at church. Max was altar boy today. He is so big and makes me so proud. After church, he went on a shopping spree with 2 other boys and 11 girls to buy present for a family that they had adopted. Wish I had been there to witness all the showing off... Joe and Elise had a Christmas party at Sunday school followed by a bake sale and auction of gingerbread houses made by the Girl Scouts. My mom bid on and won a gi-normous Emerald City. It will be donated to some lucky nursing home ;) It was a wonderful weekend of time spent with family, friends and neighbors. We are surrounded by so many incredible people. It is a good feeling to know that you are right where you belong.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Chaos

Did I really let 2 months go by without a post???  Obviously the chaos has increased.  We added a new family member the week before we left for Spring Break.  Grover picked us as his family and how could we say "no"?  He is crazy.  He gets diarrhea from the cat food and poops on the floor.  He is mouthy and nips at our hands and feet.  He is a puppy and does puppy things.  I think he will add much joy to our already joy-full family.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Elise knows her ABC's

And isn't shy about sharing them with everyone in the salon. Sorry if you were trying to enjoy a spa day.
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Definitely a winner

Sam and Dad decided to work together last night on his Valentine box. Hours and many giggles later, this glitterful masterpiece immerged. Sam informed me that it was the best craft experience he'd ever had. He even had trouble settling down to read because he couldn't "stop thinking about glittering with Daddy" . He didn't win the contest...but the experience was definitely a winner. BTW, "only girls won the contest".
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